“The love of Truth is the cultivated hunger for it in itself and for itself, without any thoughts of what it may cost, what sacrifices it may entail, what theories or beliefs of a lifetime may be laid desolate.” These words are from one of my favorite books, “The Power of Truth” by William George Jordan. The book was written over 100 years ago and his words ring like a gun shot next to your ear. Our world today is different than 100 years ago when he wrote those words, and this is because it is based on very different values than what was at play back then. Our “theories or beliefs of a lifetime” have changed dramatically. How many things do we do now because we are told it is supposed to be that way? Times change and so do the things that fuel beliefs.

I talk to a lot of people about the beliefs they have adopted over their lifetime.  We talk about how many of these beliefs that were handed down to us are good beliefs, but there are some beliefs that limit us in our growth. The power is in having the ability to know which ones are debilitating.

William George Jordan goes on to say, “In it’s supreme phase, this attitude of life is rare, but unless one can begin to put himself in harmony with this view, the individual will only creep in the truth, when he might walk bravely. With the love of truth the individual scorns to do a mean thing, no matter what be the gain, even if the whole world would approve.”

When was the last time that you stopped to consider what the popular thing to do is, vs. what the truthful and honest thing to do is? We are  a society based largely on greed and getting what is “ours”. Compassion and empathy are riding in the caboose on this train.

Jordan finishes by saying, “He would not sacrifice the sanction of his own high standard for any gain; he would not willingly deflect the needle of his thought and act from True North, as he knows it, by the slightest possible variation.”

We are living in persuasive times. Morals and truth do not seem to have much meaning anymore. It is not too late to lead by example. It is up to you to make a difference to the world and it starts in your community and in your home. Denouncing frivolous television and shady politicians is a good place to start. Injustice happens daily and we all have the power to seek what is right and be emotionally intelligent. Our society is screaming for the truth. Follow the truth and keep your compass pointed towards True North.