We are living in interesting times.

Although some people may not agree, the politics of our country and the constant unknown of what will happen tomorrow can be overwhelming at times.

The reason I think that we are in special times is that although things seem to be tumultuous, there are many other good things happening. That is, when our focus is pointed in the proper direction, we can find a way to rise above it all.

After all, we really do not have any control of the outcome. Sure, you can run for office and become an elected official, or you can join a movement to create awareness around something that you are passionate about. There are many ways to try and control the outcome. But at the end of the day, we really are powerless to actually do anything about it.

When I was at sea I would get caught in the most precarious, life threatening situations. There were many times when I was terrified of what would happen to us. The ocean can hand you an incredible amount of unwanted reality in a short period of time. We learned how to deal with it and at times the best thing to do was to slow down, hunker down, and idle into the storm. At sea, when things get rough, the tendency is to get to a safe place as soon as you can. The reality is, sometimes slowing down and being patient is the best policy.

I notice the similarities in business and in life.

We want to get somewhere in a hurry. We want success, profitability, a good relationship. We want happiness. We want things to go smooth in all areas of our lives.

When the storms of life come through, it is easy to get down on ourselves, to feel like a failure, to be stressed, wondering which way to turn. It is no different than being in a storm at sea. You need to point your bow into the storm, slow down and know that you are powerless to change what is happening in the present moment. Of course you must take the proper measures. Slow and steady, pull the throttle back…

The next time you get in a funk or feel like things are stacking up against you, take some time and reflect on these questions.

What course are you on? Where are you heading? What do you want in your life? Is the course logical?

Sometimes we get off course. Maybe conditions have changed since we set sail on our noble venture. This venture may be a new business or it may be a relationship. Let’s face it. Every day things happen that have the power to throw us off course.

Resetting the course isn’t always easy. It takes courage and it takes perseverance and focus. The key is to not get lost in thought. Fear and worry will destroy the most powerful ambition. Persevering in challenges takes patience. It means becoming aware of our emotions, how we are reacting. Being calm, being present, and having faith allows us to watch the storm rage around us. Staying calm allows us to know that we are safe, and are heading in the right direction.

How do you navigate? What do you set your sights on? Do you rely on autopilot? Autopilot may make you feel safe, but may not actually function properly to get you where you really want to go. It may lead you right back to where you’ve always been…

Tumultuous times require unwavering focus on the goal and the destination. We tend to move/navigate in the direction that our eyes are focused. In rough waters we must get our bearings and navigate by Ture North. Be still. Be present. Trust your internal compass.

Having faith in something, and knowing that life is not meant to be a punishment can help us persevere through tough times. Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. This is a God given gift! Many people have started out with nothing and have enjoyed great success! Even if we were lucky to have had a good start, things happen. Choices are made. There is a ripple effect.

It is in the events that happen to us and the choices that we make in the heart of these storms that dictate the outcomes in our lives. One or two degrees off course, and we can miss our destination by hundreds of miles.

Which way are you heading? Are you on the course that will get you what you want in your life?

Today, take time to slow down, revisit your destination in life. Be present. Check your course and make sure it is true. Know that you are powerless to control the outcome, but you can certainly enjoy the ride, knowing that you are heading in the right direction, watching the storms, watching the waves crash against the windows, knowing that you are strong in faith and that this is your life. It is what you make of it.