I just returned from a 9 day training in Sedona, AZ with one of the most interesting teachers or people that I have ever met. Vernon Woolf is the creator of the program known as Holodynamics. www.holodynamics.com. His bio will tip you over when you read it. He has been teaching this process around the world for over 30 years, including the Soviet Union prior to the collapse of the Cold War. He claims to have been instrumental in helping change the way people perceived their reality in cities and small villages using his practice.

Although some of the science was hard for me to comprehend, (I am totally right brain) I do feel that I came away with a whole new way of the way I see things, thanks to Vern. It is the way we perceive things with our linear thinking minds that makes the difference. Once we come from a place of consciousness, we can see things in an entirely different way. But you must get entirely in the present moment. This program will help you connect with your Full Potential Self.

I am highly recommending his course to people that are looking for a way to help with the shift in Global Consciousness. It is the science of the movement. If you want to understand how we think, this is the course for you. Call me or e-mail me and I can help you get a deal to get in to the next course in May.

It may change the way that you perceive what is real.
