I spent the better part of the day yesterday looking for Christmas decorations. In my travels to various department stores and hardware stores, I noticed that Jesus has all but disappeared from any of the store shelves. I really wanted to celebrate the birth of Jesus this year, not that He isn’t in my thoughts every year at this time, but really focus on Him. The last time I checked, that is what the reason is for the holiday in the first place. I finally found a nativity scene at Macy’s of all places. I totally understand that many people aren’t Christian and that they choose not to celebrate this aspect of the holiday season, but it almost seems to me that the corporations are ashamed to allow the presence of Jesus on their store shelves.

Jesus is the Reason for the Season

Could it be that the message that Jesus had for us is needed now more than ever? Are we compassionate to our friends and family? Are we compassionate to our enemies? Do we always want more and never appreciate what we do have? Political Correctness seems to have hijacked most of our traditions and has people walking on egg shells.

We need to be aware of other’s rights to celebrate what it is they choose to as long as there is no harm to others. If there was a celebration for Buddha’s birthday in the magnitude that Christmas is celebrated, would anyone be bothered by the presence of Buddha ornaments or paraphernalia? I don’t think so. So what is the problem? Is it the denial of the message that Jesus had?

I encourage you to remember the words of Jesus over this holiday season. Many of us have traveled the road of want and greed, only to find that when it really comes down to it, all we really have is each other.

Besides that, here is the real bitter pill for those who want to see Jesus removed from the holiday celebrations in the world… the next time you say “Happy Holiday” or “Holiday Party”, remember that the word holiday is derived from the Old English word: “haligdaeg” which means, Holy Day…

His presence and lessons carry on… Merry Christmas!